

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

There is an old saying about the best laid intentions which this year has intersected with Murphy"s Law!

So as I wish you the very Merriest Christmas and the very best and much happiness in the coming New Year....let me recap my lack of postings.

My beloved husband has had an unprecedented year of accidents and injury and ill health.  As some of you may know he is a gun smith and he repairs and restores as well as modifies legal firearms.  He does not sell guns.  He and a friend were hoisting a lathe out of his shop and a 300+ pound motor bolted to the top of it broke it's bolts and fell on him crushing his collar bone.

After he healed and we were getting back to normal he suffered a heart attack and had open heart surgery for a quadruple bi-pass.  He spent one month and two days in the hospital and is now at home undergoing out patient cardiac rehab.

While he was still in the hospital I had an MRI and discovered I have a cracked right hip!  Currently I am being extremely careful and hoping to get by until he is recovered fully before I have to undergo any corrective action.  But don't really know how it will all work out.  I have great faith in OUR Lord Jesus and am leaving it in his hands knowing it will all work out.

So again Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to you all and time will tell if I am able to return to my blogging.  We are great for what has transpired and in fact he has gone to his shop now and is playing catch up.  I will see a specialist this Wednesday and see what will come.

My warmest regards to you all.