

Yum, Another Breakfast Salad! Considering it is even delightful.

Fresh Apricots, Banana, and two types of Melon. 
I am finding "Breakfast Salads" just delightful.  Each morning I consider the possibilities as I enjoy my strong, hot, and black Colombian coffee.   This starts routinely at about 5:30 AM.  Brian is clunking around as he pushes the coffee pot button and fumbles for a "cookie" for Molly, who needless to say is right on him wagging her whole rear section with anticipation.......

We long ago gave up setting the coffee pot as the power seems to blink off around here so often it just insights agitation and what the heck!  I make up the pot and he generally pushes the button.  If the power was off no matter.  I drink two extra big steaming mugs and Brian finishes the pot by taking any remaining in the pot in a stainless cup along to drink as he travels to his shop.

So as I am curled up with my coffee watching the news and Brian has his breakfast I sort in my mind the possible combinations available to me!  A quite pleasurable task.  Consider the lack of muss and fuss and the delightfully endless possibilities.  Add to that the ample amount of fruit I have frozen and canned to what I keep around fresh and it is practically the Garden of Eden of breakfast fare. feels so good to have had it for breakfast.  My goal is 3 cups.  I stay full and happy until early afternoon.  Why didn't I think of this sooner?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I have found this a great time to get ones fruit in and it is very satisfying. You have so many great ideas and the pics are just 'mouth watering' within themselves. Thanks!
