

Strep throat strikes and we have a lot of puney people!

Today it seems a good time to pause a minute and and tell you my friends and followers of why I am not busy posting away and in the midst of Christmas plans!  Well....we are about all down or at least puny with two totally down having strep throat! 

One of my grandchildren is on my sofa and another on antibiotics with strep!  I am pooped and achy all over with a terrible cough.  So the winter has found us and the Christmas preparations are on hold for now.  More later when things are improved.

You all take care too,  and stay well!

1 comment:

  1. Diane, hope you guys are feeling better this week, I noticed on our news service that parts of America have been hit with storms and a ton of snow, hope you are warm enough. This month has been crazy, so much to do I still don't have my tree up and most of the decorations are still in boxes. My son will be hosting Christmas day so I have lost my mojo to decorate, Best wishes Wendy
