

Peach/Apricot Jello Salad, My Favorite Jello Salad of All Time!

Refreshing Summer Fruit Salad.
This is an old recipe given from the old Dubois County Extension Homemakers Club in 1975 of which my Grandmother was a member.  It is equally good made with peach jello.  I have done a bit of "adapting" and don't even use the original version of the recipe anymore.  So give it a try, make it your own, it is as my daughter-in-law says a "keeper".  My whole family makes their versions of it and enjoy it.

Ingredients for Apricot Jello Salad:

2,  3 oz. or 1,  6 oz. package apricot or peach jello
2 C. boiling water
2 C. ice cubes
1 can crushed pineapple, drained and syrup reserved for topping
1 can mandarin oranges drained
1-2 bananas sliced

Ingredients for the Topping:

3/4 C. sugar (I reduce this to about half.)
Reserved pineapple juice,  add enough water if needed to make at least 1/2 cup
1 egg
2 T. butter melted and cooled
1 T. cornstarch
8 ounces soft Philadelphia Cream Cheese
1 thawed carton Frozen Whipped Topping

Mix the jello and boiling water.  Add the ice cubes and stir until dissolved and pour into a large flat dish,  9" x13" or 12-13" square.  Refrigerate until soft set, about 15-20 minutes.  Add the fruit and stir well, return to the refrigerator until firmly set.

Whisk together in a saucepan the egg and sugar, add pineapple juice, the  cooled butter and cornstarch whisk all together and bring to a boil over medium high heat whisking as you go.  Bring to a full boil while continuing to stir.  Remove from the heat and add the cream cheese  stirring until creamy.

Spread over the cold jello and return to the refrigerator.  When cold top with whipped topping.  Garnish with chopped nuts if desired.

Jello salads enjoyed their hey-day in the 50's and 60's.


  1. This looks soooooooooooooo good and great for any occasion! Wow!

  2. I remember my mum making us something like this when we were young, although she would put everything in the glass to set and place the glasses in the fridge. I guess she was saving on the washing up. Regards Wendy

  3. this and love the cookbook. DubCo lifelong resident here. ;)
