

Aunt Betty's 1-2-3 Cake

 I just love when friends and family send me new things they have found and they invite me to try them too.  My husband's Aunt Betty sent me this a few weeks ago and I just got around to trying it out and it is a WINNER!!

You could even make this up and give a Christmas gifts  either the whole recipe or in a small glass jelly jar with the directions to make more and how to mix up and bake.  As a quick and lightly laden (calorie wise) desert it is a find.

NOTE: I do not make any claims regarding calorie or weight watchers points because it would vary according to what brand and what flavors of cake mix you are using.   Others have made statements in the notes sections and I have no way to know if any or all are accurate so please beware.

You simply assemble as follows:

1 box Angel Food cake mix
1 box any flavor cake mix
2 T. water


Using a large plastic bowl with a tightly fitting lid or a large zip lock bag, combine the two boxes of cake mix stirring or shaking well.

For each individual serving,  take out 3 T. of the cake mixture and mix it with 2 T. of water in a small microwave safe container.  I used a small coffee mug.  Microwave on high for 1 minute.  You now have your own instant individual cake and it is warm and inviting.  You can top with a dollop of fruit or whipped topping if you like.

Try various flavors of cake mix but it must always be combined with an Angel Food mix.

Keep the mix tightly sealed in an airtight container until used and remember:  This recipe is called 1-2-3 Cake because all you need to remember is 3 T.mix, 2 T. water, and 1 minute in the microwave.

And a big thank you goes out to Aunt Betty!!


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TinaRBK said...

How creative Aunt Betty is! Sometimes doctoring up cake mixes result in the best cakes ever. I am simply intrigued by this, definitely a must try! Glad you posted this one!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much. I was really impressed with how well it turned out. You are so kind to comment. Thanks again!!

kim said...

Thats a great idea. For someone watching their calories, have you by chance calculated what each of those servings have?


Unknown said...

I had not as it would depend on the cake mixes you selected. There are very few calories in egg whites, they are close to pure protein with no fat. If my memory serves me correctly there are only 15 calories in an egg white. There are usually 12 egg whites in an angel food cake and only a very very small amount of flour and sugar. No fat at all. So I would say very few at only 3 T. of the mix ans 2 T. of water!! Good Luck!!

grancie said...

Another way to give these is in the small decorative canning jars with a small wooden spoon attached. What a great gift idea especially for the elderly since they usually eat small portions.

AllisonReeceArt said...

I tried this and felt there were some very small issues.
1.)cake comes out spongy and not very moist like you expect Devil Foods Cake. Lot's of holes.
2.) Lost it's rich chocolate flavor due to missing Angel Food cake and comes out pale instead of dark chocolate color.
Notes: Taste, ok. Not rich tasting.
Tried adding chocolate chips for more chocolate flavor, but still okay. Too spongy for me. Not worth it for me. My try it for my daughter using a Strawberry mix. Other than that.. I think it needs improving.

Unknown said...

Allison, I am really sorry you were disappointed, if only a little, in the cake. I used Duncan Hinds Cake mix because I favor them and I stirred them well before baking in the microwave. They were probably intended as a low calorie treat and that would be the expected trade off for the deep moist chocolate you would find in a regularly baked chocolate cake. I do have some more cake in a mug recipes that are not low calorie. I will check them out and follow up on this for you. Thanks for you constructive suggestions. Please visit me here again soon at the hidden pantry.

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing Aunt Betty's creation! I love this idea!

Casco Bay Soap Co. said...

It was great! Totally hit the spot for a low calorie treat. I think that the Angel Food Cake does make it nice and spongy. We enjoyed it with some lite cool whip. Thanks and can't wait to try other flavors.

AmyCat71 said...

Thanks for sharing! I thought it was very good! To the poster who said their cake was full of holes, that's usually caused from over mixing.

Kathleen said...

I am really impressed because I have a diabetic husband who really enjoys treats. We have to watch his fat very carefully, and angel food is considered part of his diet. This just makes it more conveniently. Thanks for the tip on over-mixing. Next time I'll lay off the fork a little.

Michelle said...

So my angel food cake mix comes with a package of powdered egg I need to do anything what that?

Unknown said...

Michelle, Sometimes they do package the ingredients like that.. I would mix everything that came in the Angel food box together with whatever the other cake mix you have selected is. Then you should be set!! Hope you like it.

Cara said...

I figured the nutrition facts and it is only about 100 calories, 23 carbs, and 1 protein per serving. This doesn't include any toppings of course.

marie said...

I saw this on Pinterest and had to stop by and say thanks so much for sharing it. I can't wait to give it a try!

Unknown said...

Thanks to Cara and Marie for stopping by and saying hi!! Do visit again soon. I really appreciate your information Cara.

Thank you all!!

tink said...

Just made this for the kids. A perfect little after school snack topped with a small scoop of ice cream :)

Unknown said...

I am so glad the kido's liked it. I thought that would be a great after school treat or kids dessert too. I am going to fix a batch and take to my twin grandsons next time I go to visit!! They are 3 1/2 and bet they would love it! Thanks for the feedback.

Skye McLain said...

I saw this on Pinterest and was so intrigued.. I will have to give it a shot! :)

Sue Anne McKinney said...

I bought the box mixes today!Spice cake mix and Angel food mix. I think my four year old and 20 month old grandchildren will enjoy shaking up the mixes in a zip lock bag...then fixing a quick treat topped with some I, too saw this on pinterest today.

Annie said...

My daddy is 93 and cooks for himself. I am sending him this mix and a little sake container to bake it in for his birthday. What a perfect gift for an elderly person who loves dessert, but in small portions. Thank you so very much.

Jennie Skaggs said...

Hi, I will deinitely try this. There is a recipe online that is similar but you have to premix all the ingredients..egg, cocoa, etc. SO this is perfect.

Jennie Skaggs said...

Maybe if someone wants fudgier they can do the second box with a brownie mix.

Laura said...

Can't wait to try this! Looks like it would be 4.5 POINTS PLUS per serving for Weight Watchers.

Jenny Hayes said...

Hello, I had found your site through Pinterest as well. I have been doing little cakes like these for a long time! Never tried mixing the angel food cake with it, just regular cake mix. You can buy those little single serving microwave cakes made by B.C. but they cost $2.50 (and we had bought a few before figuring it out, but saved the little bowls!) If we feel like having the molten chocolate, we use 3T cake mix and 1T + 1t water stir it, drizzle 1t chocolate fudge ove it and microwave for 30 to 45 seconds, sometimes they like "funfetti" so we use white cake the same way and add sprinkles!! My boys love taking they little cakes in their lunch boxes, it's a nice treat! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you all for the wonderful information you are sharing!! I am learning so many interesting and helpful things from your comments!! Again, many thanks.

Lisa Paints said...

tI found this on pinterest too. I love it. I add a small dollop of light ice cream or cool whip and eat it warm. Yummy and satisfying! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Just tried this, but I add a few chocolate chips & instead of two tablespoons of water, I did one of water and one of unsweetened applesauce. It was so yummy! Topped with some non fat whipped cream!

tgmee said...

Awesome. Found you on Pinterest.

Anonymous said...

I shared this with my Weight Watchers group and would love to know how many Points Plus are in each serving. Has anyone calculated that?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. I went back and read the rest of the comments and one posted 4.5 PP. I also found this on Pinterest. Can't wait to try it.

Carrie said...

Also found this on Pinterest. And made it twice.
I will preface this with I am a lover of "mug" cakes. But i also hate dragging out all the supplies for it for a 2 minute snack! So this was perfect. I used BC regular white angel food cake and BC Triple Chocolate Fudge.

First time I made it exact to directions. It was ok. Good. Not great. Kinda small for my sweet tooth fix and very spongy. Then unread some comments and I clearly over mixed.

Try #2! I doubled it and added 6 pieces of a regular Hersey bar. Also didn't mix as much. I put it in the same mug as the first time. After 45 seconds in the microwave I thought it was going to bubble over so I stopped and quickly put a plate under. As it continued it barely came over the sides if my mug. No mess on the plate. It took about 1 min 15 sec of cooking time. And this time much better! More cake, less spongy, little melty parts of chocolate. Yum!

Thanks so much for posting this!

Melody said...

Thanks so much!!!! My first was Strawberry, I can't wait to make other flavors and now wishing that Christmas was just around the corner, can't wait to give this fun little gifts along with a decorative spoon!!! Kudos to you!!

Toni said...

Lily, this is such a great post and a nifty idea, especially for me since I live alone and want a little low cal treat every now and then. So thanks to you AND Aunt Betty. You're both awesome!

Allison, just bake a cake!

Beth said...

I can't wait to try this. Thanks for posting, found it on Pinterest too. I'm going to let each of my kids pick out a flavor and keep them both on hand (of course they'll never agree on 1 between the 2 of them that's why individual cakes are such a great solution).

Carol Witt said...

My husband and I just tried this, mixed the Angel food with a chocolate cake mix, it turned out great. Topped it with a chocolate frosting, Will be keeping some on hand for a quick pick me up at work. Thanks, for sharing.

Unknown said...

Thanks for all of your great comments. I love hearing what you all are doing out there in the big world!! Some really great ideas have come from your comments!!

I am still thinking about pineapple upside down cake in a mug or a jar or something!!

Amy said...

Found this on Pinterest and now I have to give it a try! And after browsing through some of your other posts I am now a follower!
If you get a chance please stop by the

amentzer said...

Any idea how long in a conventional oven? I like the idea of singl e serve but it also would be nice to throw half s dozen in the muffin tin (not microwaveable).

Jewelry Trinket Designs said...

I made this last night. It was delicious! TO the poster who said it was not very chocolate-ty....not sure what kind of cake she used. I used dark fudge cake with the angel food.....1 min and mine came out moist and perfect. It is almost too sweet for me, but I add very ripe sliced strawberries on top (about 3) and pour about 1 tablespoon of light vanilla soy on top and it gives it a icing moisture without all that sugar and it is divine! Try it!

Jewelry Trinket Designs said...

I made this last night. It was delicious! TO the poster who said it was not very chocolate-ty....not sure what kind of cake she used. I used dark fudge cake with the angel food.....1 min and mine came out moist and perfect. It is almost too sweet for me, but I add very ripe sliced strawberries on top (about 3) and pour about 1 tablespoon of light vanilla soy on top and it gives it a icing moisture without all that sugar and it is divine! Try it!

MommyOntheEdge said...

I too found you via Pintrest, thanks for the recipe, can't wait to try it Cake is one of my MOST favorite foods. I have a recipe for single serve cake also that is not lowfat, I'll have to get around to sharing it on my blog :D

Unknown said...

Thank you for this recipe! I am a special education teacher and I have a cooking class where I teach them how to cook independently. This is a perfect lesson for them!!

Unknown said...

wanna try this! is "T" for teaspoon or tablespoon?

Mrs. D's busy life said...

Big T is Table spoon, you can remember because it is the bigger one! :)

VtotheA said...

so you just mix the powdered mixes together? you don't need all the other ingredients on the box??

Precioushd said...

Is there a way to double this recipe? my mugs are a lot deeper then the one you show in the photo..But we all love this it is the perfect little cake to have after dinner or for the kids to make themselves during homework time! i love this. Please let me know if there is a way to double this and get the same many tablespoons mix/water and how long do you think in the microwave? love all your blogs..I think your great thank you so much

Kristy in Kentucky said...

I am SO excited to try this treat! Cake is one of my weaknesses and it is nice to have this budget and calorie-friendly alternative to making a whole cake (which I would likely consume in less than four settings because of my insatiable sweet tooth)!! :) I am going to try this out tonight with strawberry cake mix! :)

SandyS said...

Great idea. Tried it tonight and stopped the microwave after 30 seconds and tossed in one Hersey's kiss.

Serenity said...

Found from Pinterest as well! Can't wait to try this, thanks so much for sharing it! =D

Sally said...

Hi Lily. Thanks to you and Aunt Betty my sweet tooth late night alarm is solved. Tried this recipe after my daughter-in-law emailed it to me. It was AWESOME, even my 10 year old sone LOVED it(you know how its hard to please kids, not any more). The store I went to didn't have Duncan Hinds Angel Food so I got the Betty Crocker Devils Food and Angel Food. It was good, I also put Pillsbury Easy Frost and the warmth from the cake made the frosting melt a little and it was so good. Let me say it was so good I had to make me 2 mugs of that cake.Thanks a million times!!!

Unknown said...

I am SOOOOO truly amazed by all of your wonderful comments!! WOW. Thank you all so very much. Now I will try to answer some of your questions. One lady did say this is 2 weight watchers points. Also I used a 1 1/2 C. mug so just measure the size of your mug or jar and make accordingly. T. equals tablespoon and t. equals teaspoon, sorry!! Again thanks for all of the wonderful comments, ideas to modify, and just plane make it your own ideas about this. I saw Aunt Betty Saturday and thanked her again for sending this for all of us to enjoy..

Cat said...

I haven't tried this yet but it looks simple enough for my adult child with disabilities. I was thinking that for a richer flavor you could use expresso(cooled) in place of the water; or add flavored coffee crystals to your dry mix. Will try a variety:-)

Jill said...

I made this last night and it was amazing. I added a little whipped cream to top it off. YUMMY!

patty said...

Do you need to grease and/or flour the cup? Sounds great. I'm going to try with chocolate cake and use 2 Tbl of coffee instead of water . Make it mocha....

Unknown said...

Wonderful comments....thank you all again. No I do not butter the mug. I love all of the ideas and personnel touches. The coffee instead of water for mocha sounds great too!!

Marney said...

love this new lo-cal dessert, i really have tried to figure out the calories and can't figure them out, we made chocolate ones and then topped with a chocolate pudding cup when it came out, very decadent and moist, tasted like a very expensive dessert

MaryannRandi said...

OMG!! Thanks so much for this! I ALWAYS get a hankering for a cupcake (sweets-my only vice!) This way-I want eat a whole dang box! lol LOVE it!! Just tried it-I actually used rainbow chip frosting-and the frosting helped to balance out the not "regular" cakey cake taste. Im SOLD!

kat kerr davis said...

i tried this... with a twist... i put a dollop of canned pie filling in the bottom... and the ingredients on top... and it was AWESOME! Tried it them with canned peaches (three pieces) and yellow cake mixed with the angel food... total sin... get creative... and have fun!

imsteelefullofscrap said...

Oh this is a must try for me to whip up for the kids or when company arrives without knowing it could you add walnuts or pecans in mixture?
Newbie here from Ohio just found you on pinterest

emptynestegg said...

This is the coolest for an emptynest. I never bake because there are only two of us. Now I can have my cake and eat it too.
I am going to try a gingerbread mix.

Lorraina said...

Thank you Diane, Aunt Betty and Pinterest! My hub and i just tried it using BC angel food and a Duncan Hines Devils food mix....we thought it was the best idea since sliced bread. We'll be counting it as 100 calories as that seems fair enough. We can easily afford a 100 cal. treat once in a while and won't be going overboard by making the whole cake. I was thinking of adding a TBS. or so of canned cherry pie filling to make a layer over the batter like a Black Forest cake, microwave then just a touch of whip cream and Wowzers!!! No need to feel deprived! Thanks so much for this fabulous little treat.

Diane P said...

I also found this on Pinterest and couldn't wait to try it. I bought Angel Food and Sugar-Free Devil's Food and just made it for my kids. It was a hit! Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

I'm a strawberry fan.. So i bought strawberry cake mix. It reminds me of strawberry angel food cake (imagine that :)) even the texture. I like to double it- 6tbl mix, 4 tbl water and microwave 1 min. It's a touch more moist and dense. FANTASTIC find!

whitefamily said...

For those of you who have asked about WW Points...I tried the Betty Crocker Triple Chocolate Fudge with Betty Crocker Angel Food and topped it with 1 T Betty Crocker Whipped Milk Chocolate Frosting. I put it in Recipe Builder and it was 6P+, the cake was 5P+ by itself. To figure the mix servings, I measured out how many grams was in 3T and added the boxes together to see how many servings I would get. It was a little spongy, but moist and yummy! I put the icing on while it was hot and it melted over it. I will definitly do this again.

Heather said...

This was completely cool; and though yes as some have said it's "spongy" isn't that what an angel food cake is. I love having a low cal alternative and a way to not eat the whole cake myself. Thanks!

artteach71 said...

Thanks sooooo much for sharing this!! I found it on Pinterest. My daughter and I tried this this morning - Delish! I, too, made the mistake of over-mixing the first time but read comments and did much better on our second cup. I plan to use this as a gift for my daughter's 3rd grade class to make and give to their moms on Mother 's Day. Thanks for posting this awesome idea. : )

PJ said...

Yum! Quick and easy just enough for that quick treat! Gotta lov Aunt Betty!!

Unknown said...

Aunt Betty, you are my HERO! My son Loves these as his after school snack now. And as a kindergartener he feels very empowered that he can make it himself. Our fave way to eat it is dumped upside down on a plate, surrounded by whip cream and sprinkled by chocolate chips so they melt and it is an instant Volcano in the clouds!

Jen said...

Great idea!! By my calculations, it appears that a serving is 3 WW+ points but I'll recalculate just to be sure. Like those points real well!! Little FYI, I added a tablespoon of expresso powder to the chocolate cake/angel food cake mixes to deepen the chocolate flavor. May have helped some. Great stuff!

JBossRN said...

I love this & have taken off with it! I used Duncan Hines mixes--chocolate of course but it was not chocolately enough. I added 1/4 cup of Dutch cocoa to the two boxes & added a teaspoon of Nutella to the warm cake for frosting & we have a winner! Onto Lemon cake next...

lindylu said...

THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU!! And thank you PINTEREST for putting all this out there for us!!! This is perfect for sooooo many reasons!!! thanks for all your great ideas!!! <3

April Sadowski said...

My husband and I tried this yesterday with lemon cake and it was SO yummy. It fools the brain seeing it in a cup like that and it really tasted like French toast. He drizzled maple syrup over it.

This would also be great for office parties. We put our mix in a rubbermaid container (barely fit!) and because it's all powder it'll keep for probably a good 9 months.

Great for those of us wanting a dessert and are watching calories and cholesterol :D

Kelly said...

I made this tonight with lemon cake mix. It was tasty and the perfect amount. I may have done something wrong as part of it was a little hard, but I will definitely try again. Oh I topped with nutella!

Unknown said...

Completely tickled about trying this! And if we weren't in the midst of a N'oreaster storm I'd run to the store for Angel Food cake mix. Thank you for sharing, I am sharing a link on my blog!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for all of your kind words it truly encourages me to keep up this effort!! I truly am grateful that some of you linked me to your blogs. So very thoughtful of you. All my best to each of you. Do visit again!!

Carly said...

Also found via pintrest! I wasn't necessarily looking do a low cal option but this was delicious! I used a double chocolate fudge mix with it, added a few chocolate chips to the bottom then chocolate frosting on top. Oh my gosh it was amazing! Tasted like molten chocolate cake! I will tone it down the next time I try it but I am very excited. Thank you do much for sharing!

Earning-My-Cape said...

I found this on Pinterest, and I'm so glad I did!
Not just for the recipe itself, but for leading me to your wonderful blog! I am a new follower!

I had to try this recipe, and I like it a lot! I blogged about it and linked back to your recipe and your site. I hope you don't mind.
Please feel free to check it out at

Mrs. Lori said...

Yep, blame it on Pinterest! I used the devil's food. It was spongy but so good!! Might drizzle chocolate syrup (sugar free) on top. My daughter wants to put those new little jet-puff marshmallow bits on top then cook it. NEXT TIME! Thanks for posting this and thanks for whoever shared in on Pinterest!!!

Unknown said...

Well, we are addicted to this! I have three different flavors in the pantry to suit everyone's taste! We have strawberry, lemon and chocolate. Thank you again for sharing this and for sharing it on Pinterest.

Unknown said...

Again it is I who wants to thank all of you for finding me!! Please come again, I am delighted to have come across something that has made so many people smile a little!! Times are hard now for just about everyone in one way or another and this is a little jewel we can all share and enjoy. It is especially nice to see comments posted again after the initial response. That really give me a GRIN, so THANK ALL OF YOU. I will really try to have some more fun and interesting posts going forward.

Countymommy said...

My girls have been using this recipe for their easy bake oven:) It works really well! They also have cupcake molds for the microwave and this recipe does the trick! No more buying the expensive easy bake brand and imo this tastes so much better!

Unknown said...

That is totally awesome!! I too had an easy bake oven as a little girl and am tickled to death to hear of yet another wonderful purpose given to this little ditty of a recipe. WHO KNEW???

Margaret McFarland said...

Tried classic yellow cake this evening....what a great concept for single serving cakes!!! Loved it! Added Edys butter pecan icecream on top (1 Tbls.) with drizzle of butter pecan syrup with lite cool whip....Hit the Spot!!!

SherryG said...

Wow! This looks fantastic. I found you thru a pin on a friend's Pinterest. I can't wait to go to the grocery store tomorrow. I've been looking for a inexpensive way to make a copy of the Weight Watcher Strawberry Shortcake dessert. Low points and inexpensive, can't beat that! Also my daughter is always looking for a small sweet something to eat. This fits the bill. Thanks for sharing!

sara3deee said...

I found this via Pinterest and had to try it! We used Betty Crocker Cherry Chip cake and Angel Food cake. Absolutely delicious! My boyfriend is always looking for little snacky things and this fit the bill! This will make dozens of little cakes :) Next time I will try lemon!

Lilly said...

Just out of curiosity, why must one of the cakes be Angel Food? Does the AF contain the "eggs" of the recipe? BTW, love this idea. Thanks so much.

Unknown said...

Lilly. I am not for sure but I think the thinking was for a low calorie light airy quick dessert. The angel food cake is quite low calorie. (An angel cake made from scratch uses only the whites and there are only 15 calories in an egg white plus it is almost pure protein with very little flour in the cake.) You also nix the oil and additional eggs of the regular cake mix. (The egg yolks are the fattening part.) have a lot less fattening one man treat that is sweet, warm and waiting for your creativity to customize to your liking.

Sarah said...

I, too, found you on Pinterest. Just tried this 5 mins ago! WOW! It's sooo quick and easy and so moist. After reading through the comments I only briefly and lightly mixed it. After it was cooked I then added a teaspoon of ready mixed chocolate butter icing which I spread over as it melted - mmmm. Being in the UK I couldn't find Duncan Hinds but we have Betty Crocker so I used TWO Bettys l ol. thank you!

Laura Beth Love said...

My daughters and I made this after school today, and the results were EXCELLENT! I think one of the reasons ours turned out so well was because we used Duncan Hines classic white cake mix along with Duncan Hines angel food cake mix, and not chocolate mix. Obviously, if you use chocolate cake mix the choc. flavor will be diluted because you are mixing it with the white angel food mix. Bonus round: after experimenting with adding additional ingredients (m&m's, they were just ok), we made the most excellent molten cakes by adding in a huge dollop (1 heaping T.) of Nutella (no mixing!) before baking. After baking in the microwave, we popped them right out of the mugs onto plates. We are a family of traditional bakers so we had doubts about this recipe, but in a pinch it was great! Lots of fun for kids.

visit my blog:

Unknown said...

Thanks for you wonderful comments. I have a widowed Mother and a widowed Ex-Mother-in-law. I am planning to mix up a batch for each of them.... I am thinking a Terrific Mothers Day Gift along with whatever else I come up with. Just right I think and I will pack in some goodies to make the extra "special treats" too. Thanks again!!

wannadanc said...

Oh, yummy!!!!!!! It is VERY good!!

I was, however, mystified at how hard it was to locate angel food cake mix!! Store carried only BC brand, and it was quite some distance from other cake mixes. Has it always been this way? It has been YEARS since I have gone cake mix shopping.


So easy an adult can do it!!!! Thanks for sharing this idea. I saw it on pinterest too!

Anonymous said...

I used Butter golden DC Cake mix and hope to add a slice of peach to make it like a cobbler. I figured the WW points for both full boxes of mix and actually measured it out do I know how many 3 TB servings the 2 boxes of mix were. Anyway . . . my 2 flavors ended up being 3 pts for the 3 tbl of mix. Will have to try my Double Chocolate mix next. It was hard not to buy a TON of flavors to try them out. LOL

Debbie said...

Great Idea! Thanks! Just tried it and loved it!

AnnieDrews said...

I, too, got this from Pinterest and just tried it! The cake does have a different look and texture to it, but I LOVED the taste. I used Milk Chocolate cake mix along with the angel food and it tasted like chocolate angel food. I drizzled some Hershey's syrup on top of mine. Yummy!! Thanks so much for sharing.

JoEllen said...

I tried this from Pinterest too! Yes, the texture is different, but I wasn't expecting a traditional cake. I sprayed PAM in the mug first and then turned the cake on to a small plate. Then I drizzled warm frosting over it and let it slide down the sides of the little cake. It was cute and yummy. I'm an empty nester now, and my husband and I can't eat a whole cake, so this is a good alternative for our sweet tooth.

Mystick said...

I watched a Masterchef Australia show yesterday and a chef was doing a pistachio cake in a microwave using an easy recipe with a lot of powdered eggs inside. So I think it is similar to this one with angelcake mix contains lot of eggs. Also the chef on the show said that if you don't want the bottom of the cake to be wet, you must do it in a carton coffee cup where you do 3 knife cuts on the bottom. just a cut that is thin so it doesn't leak

Grandma D said...

Tried this today with BC Angel Food (only one the store carries) and Pillsbury Sugar Free Devil's Food..isn't that a great combo - Angel food and Devils Food.LOL - it is time I plan to add a little cocoa to the mixture...great treat. I saw on another site that you can do this with two regular cake not remember the site however...

Unknown said...

Love this. I just shared a link to this post on my blog today. Take a look!

I am making care packages for my college kids and thought they'd like this!

Thanks for sharing!


Vicki said...

Like many others, I found you on Pintrest. I'm now following you and am looking forward to digging through the archives. Thanks so much for sharing!!

I hope you don't mind if I post a link to this recipe, I know my friends will like it too.

Adrianne Surian said...

Hopping on the "found-you-on-Pinterest" bandwagon, and just wanted to say, I tried this over the weekend and I'm posting about it tomorrow at Happy Hour Projects. I made a slight adjustment to the recipe so that it could be layered into 2 oz. spice jars and gifted as one-serving instant cake, but I wanted to thank you for sharing the recipe and inspiring me!

Drop by tomorrow (or anytime!) if you'd like, because I am including a link back to you to credit you with the original recipe!


Mary said...

Thanks for sharing this; I found this on Pinterest, too. One question: The angel food mix says not to use a plastic bowl for mixing, but rather glass or metal. Does anyone know if it's ok to store this in a plastic container?

sara3deee said...

Storing in plastic shouldn't be a problem. When you make a regular angelfood cake, you don't want to use a plastic bowl, or the egg whites won't froth up because of oil residue on the plastic.


Just curious, has anyone ever tried making a cake mug with just angel food cake mix? Just wondering how that would turn out? Maybe topped with some fruit?

Sharon in KY said...

Sounds like a great ideal, all you add is water when you make Anglefood anyway, so it should work. I'll have to buy another AF to try one. I need to get some containers. Next time I think I'll store each different cake mix in a Mason jar and add together as I make one. That way you could make a lot of different ones and not have a ton of one type.

Beantown347 said...

Just curious... Any concern with salmonella from the powdered egg whites?

Unknown said...

I have never had any or heard of any problem from a boxed cake. Actually I have never had a problem with any egg I cooked and I am now 64 years old and have eaten farm eggs many times as well as store bought. Call me lucky I guess!!

Stephanie said...

They actually told listeners about this on k-love radio station. Had to look it up to try it!

Unknown said...

That is actually so cool!! Where is that radio station out of?? I am outside of Evansville, Indiana. Thanks again!!

Widget said...

Maybe I over stirred it but I used a sobey's brand angel food cake and a noname vanilla cake and I found it was a heavy lump in the bottom of my coffee cup. I am not sure what sized cup you had but after it was cooked it filled 1/4 of my coffee cup.
I was expecting it to look more like the picture for texture. I might try more water. Anybody else have this experience?

Unknown said...

Meela, Yours is the first comment I have had along these lines. I have not heard of the brands you speak about so I am not sure what to recommend. Normally an angel food cake mix calls only for the addition of water so I would check that. It is possible I suppose the mix could have been in some way been bad??? I know if you make an Angel food cake from scratch you have to bee very careful about the whites or it will fail. I am so sorry you were disappointed. Diane

keithsma8 said...

I will have my grandchildren after school today and I'm making this for them. I know they will love it, and I'm sure hubby and I will too..LOL Thanks

WaianaeGal said...

This cake is just wonderful... being someone who's lost 90 pounds in the last 1.5 years portion control is what it's all about. Has anyone figured calorie counts out... I saw a WW points breakdown but still looking for more info. Also I used a gluten free chocolate cake with the angel food but will be trying all gluten free once I get the angel food gluten free mix... it's more wheat intollerance than other more serious issues.
Thanks for a great mix and thanks to Aunt Betty.

WaianaeGal said...

This cake is just wonderful... being someone who's lost 90 pounds in the last 1.5 years portion control is what it's all about. Has anyone figured calorie counts out... I saw a WW points breakdown but still looking for more info. Also I used a gluten free chocolate cake with the angel food but will be trying all gluten free once I get the angel food gluten free mix... it's more wheat intollerance than other more serious issues.
Thanks for a great mix and thanks to Aunt Betty.

kalea_kane said...

Wow! This is incredible. Thank you so much for sharing! My husband and son are going to be so excited.

Elizya said...

Love love love this it is so good and I do t feel bad eating it

Unknown said...

I just made this tonight. I used a butter yellow recipe, and made sure not to over stir. After cooking, I smeared some lemon curd on top and drizzled with Duncan Hine's vanilla glaze. Turned out really good! I also got strawberry preserves, and cinnamon flavored canned peaches, to try a few different varieties. Now I am looking forward to trying chocolate!

Barbara Walter said...

Found this on Pinterest. I used the Devil's Food and after microwaving it I added a small scoop of ice cream on top! My, it was good. Tried chocolate and buttered pecan icecream. Defeated the lo-cal intent:)

toole said...

I found this on Pinterest and would love to follow you on Pinterest. I could not find a Pinterest button on your site. Could you please add a "Follow me on Pinterest" button?

Just another face in the crowd said...

Thanks for this recipe! I used german chocolate and angel food and I LOVED it. It wasn't so rich that I felt bad about eating it, but it had enough chocolate to hit the spot for me!

GrammyWindy said...

Love this recipe! Found on pinterest, but I can't get an account set up for some reason to follow you!!!

Widget said...

The second time I made this (from the same powder as the first) it worked out beautifully. I must not have mixed the powders enough the first time and the ratio of cake to angel food cake was very off.
This time I had the cake in a cup (vanilla and angelfood) covered it with sliced strawberries, heavy cream, and a wee bit of sugar! It was heavenly.
So if at first it doesn't succeed then shake the damn bag and try again! lol.

vseeg said...

Call me stupid but when do you add the eggs to the "other" cake mix?

Unknown said...

You are Not stupid. You do not use any eggs or oil or any additional anything except the mixture of the 2 cake mixes and the water. Okey dookey???

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking this will a great thing to make for my daughter to take to college. She only has a microwave in her dorm room and this will be an easy quick sweet treat for her to make. Thank for the idea!

lsayler said...

Absolutely the easiest, moistest and best single "cupcake" one can make. My 8 year old granddaughter loves to make these for her daddy and papa. They love it too.

Tricia said...

I made this last night and just for "funsies" decided to experiment. after I mixed the mix and water I dumped the pudding from one jello pudding cup into it. microwaved for 1 minute and it came out all yummy cake on top and gooey choc pudding in the bottom. It was like one of those yummy decadent lava cakes. I can't wait to make it again with a dollop of ice cream on top! With the Sugar Free pudding, total dessert was 160 cals! Can't beat that!!!!

Unknown said...

Wow!! I will have to try that one. I am all about warm gooey chocolate desserts!!

Dokey Rider said...

I just made this and WOW! It was delicious! I've enjoyed reading how other folks have enhanced the recipe. Great Idea Aunt Betty!

Heather G said...

Just made this tonight (for the first of what I'm sure will be many, many times!) and it turned out amazing! I accidentally bought a sugar-free devil's food cake and it still turned out well.

I made one for me and one for the BF, and we split a chocolate pudding cup to put on top and then topped that with a dollop of whipped cream. Can't wait to try some other variations with fruit and other toppings. Thanks for sharing!

Mary Ryan said...

I calculated it all out and it comes out to 110 calories for this treat.

Unknown said...

Well that is cool!! Thanks for your comment. It may vary a bit depending on whose mix you are using???? Bet you are really close though. Close enough for me anyway!

2AT said...

My daughter came across this recipe and was rather frustrated, what was suppose to be simplistic became opposite for those who don't often read recipes. Once it was in question, heck if I knew, maybe it was 3 Tbsp mix and 2 Tsp water? was the cap. T intentional? I'm in no way trying to be critical because it actually became a source of amusement and a lesson between her and I. But for newbies it can be confusing. We never did make the recipe we didn't have any Angel food cake mix, but it will be in our welcome home soldier baskets Tbsp and all :)

Unknown said...

I am so sorry to be the cause of such turmoil. That would never be my intent. May I humbly invite you to use as a resource information I give away free for the love of good food on my blog.
There is a column on the right side and starts at the top. These are pages and two of them about 3-4" down address substitutions and measurements. All of the standard abbreviations that I know about are there as well as things to use instead of when you run out. I use it myself if a recipe calls for a pound of white sugar and I need to see how many cups that would be. Good luck. dkc

dee said...

So glad I found this!! We LOVE it as a low calorie snack. Who doesn't love warm cake and with no extras around to snack on it's great. My husband and I have been losing weight since January and we have been making these since February!! Some hints...bolder flavor cakes work better (chocolate, spice...vanilla & red velvet too bland)...we put a little icing on while hot and let it melt..yummy!

Unknown said...

An amazing recipe for our household of two. When one of those people (maybe me) has an tough combination of impatient and a sweet tooth, this is just perfect!! Didn't even wait for a topping and it was wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing this!

Unknown said...

Thank you both. You bring a smile to my face this morning. That is a big deal!!

sara3deee said...

We love this recipe and have 2 containers with different flavors, one is cherry chip and the other is yellow. We have found that those little fruit cups with peaches/pears/whatnot and juice contains about 2 tbsp of liquid so we use that instead of plain water. I highly suggest if you find the peaches with cinnamon fruit cups to try that with the yellow cake tastes just like peach cobbler!

Katie Lynn said...

I've been making these for a few months now, and I love it, but I think I need to take a break. :) Unfortunately, I still have quite a bit of cake mix left from this last batch, and I don't want to throw it out...but I need the cupboard space. Any recommendations on how I could use it? There's a good 6 cups in there.

Unknown said...

Invite some family or friends and have a 1-2-3 party!! Pass out 6 mugs and line up at the microwave. Top or not. Or if you know someone else make up gift mugs with the recipe and give as gifts. Or, make as gifts with the directions in jelly jars. Put on the lids and tie a ribbon on. Mother's, students, singles, and widows or widowers, or just anyone loves these. I have had well over 250,000 viewers and only 1 or maybe 2 people didn't like them. My best thoughts!!

Lori said...

I just tried this using chocolate fudge cake and BC angel food cake mix. I topped it with Smuckers chocolate ice cream syrup. Very tasty and it satisfied my chocolate sweet tooth nicely. Wish I'd have had some vanilla ice cream, that would have gone nicely too. Thanks for sharing Aunt Betty's 1-2-3 Cake!

Kimber Giordano said...

Thank you VERY much for sharing this! I tried 3 different versions, and so far, I really like it with a Tablespoon of frosting dropped in the mix just before microwaving. Makes it very moist and not so spongey. I used a golden butter cake with rainbow chip frosting. It was delish! I made a batch of chocolate and yellow cake and I am going to marble them, I think. I also am going to add cinnamon and brown sugar to make it like a coffee cake!

Unknown said...

You are certainly welcome!! dkc

Anonymous said...

I have a son who is at job corp and lives in a dorm. I sent him this in prepackaged ziplock bags with a few chocolate chips and a few white chocolate chips in each bag. And a can of frosting. He loves being able to pop it in the microwave while doing his laundry. It is now on his monthly care package list

Unknown said...

What a lovely idea!! I keep thinking what a blessing it is for me to hear all of the lovely ways folks are using this little concoction!! THANK YOU ALL. Diane

Michi's Space said...

Can this be done in the oven? I don't mind waiting the extra time if it improves the results.

Unknown said...

May I suggest "Chocolate Scratch Cake for One in a Mug" posted on 1/19/12. If you type the above topic in the finder box it will take you to the recipe. It is much more the taste and texture of a traditional baked cake. You just make it with ingredients from your pantry instead of the 2 cake mixes.

I do not know the result of traditional baking of the 1-2-3 cake mix cake recipe. It's a good question though. dkc

sweetnlow31 said...

I made this recipe with Betty Crocker angel food and devil's food mixes. It turned out great! For those who are wondering the exact calorie count, for the Betty Crocker mixes I mentioned it is exactly 137 calories per 3Tbsp (36g) of mix. I like to add a bit of cocoa to the mix and top with light cool whip.

loving3boys1girl said...

I just bought my boxes of cake mix today! Betty Crocker Angel Food and Chocolate Fudge. I did the math and for these 2 boxes, 3TBSP of mix would be 123 calories. Looking forward to my dessert tonight!


chewy said...

Brilliant idea.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much to all of you for the kind words and I hope you like it a lot!! dkc

Anonymous said...

Ok, so as soon as I saw this on Pinterest I pinned it and got up to make it! I had to eat it to believe it, and well Aunt Betty made a believer out of me!! LOL This is soooo good! Of COURSE, it's not as good as a cake mixed with everything yummy in the world and baked to perfection with mounds of icing.... But for someone like me who is counting calories and losing weight and killing myself to be healthy and NEEDS a treat but not a 500 calorie bite of cake, this just hits the spot! I used angel food cake and butter vanilla, then I made a simple powdered sugar glaze but added in strawberry yogurt and drizzled it on top after it cooled and it was absolutely amazing!!! I don't make cakes anymore because 1. the calories and 2. you have cake for days, and well, I'll eat it if it's sitting around, period! This is a perfect way to still have that simple, small after dinner dessert or midday treat without KILLING your diet!! Absolutely spectacular and a life saver for someone like me! Yes, I'd rather have the regular way, too, but this is a great 2nd option that still hits the spot and doesn't make me feel I'm eating a "fake" disgusting dessert or NO dessert at all! :) THANK YOU!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Thank you Ash and Josh, you made my day!

Unknown said...

I think this an awesome idea thank you for sharing!

sheilaquin said...

I made it this evening for the first time and I was quite pleased!!!I could see taking the bag to work and putting iy in my desk for those afternoon snacks or when everyone else is eating the real thing. Then as a habitual dieter, I wouldn't feel deprived or guilty for having the real cake.

Unknown said...

A friend of mine made this for her daughters birthday it was a hit. can't wait to try this

Joseph said...

Once i bought cake for send gifts to pakistan but i lose when i was busy in mobile and i forget to pick from counter.

Amy said...

Great idea - I made it last night as the "cake" component to a strawberry shortcake with sliced berries and a dollop of whipped cream. The sugar content in this must be incredibly high, however, as I added no additional sugar to anything, even the fruit, and I immediately got "the shakes" from having a sugar attack (I am pregnant and although not diabetic, am having issues with hypoglycemia, etc which has me on a low sugar diet). I checked the boxes before I mixed them and didn't see any red time I will look for a SF mix with splenda and try that. It came out great and was tasty though.

Anonymous said...

Tried this and LOVE LOVE LOVED it. As a person who loves to bake, but is bad about eating it, this is perfect. I did Angel Food plus French Vanilla cake. I put a marishino cherry and a sprinkling of brown sugar and 3 peach slices (in fruit juice). Topped it with the cake mix and when it came out, put a dollop of vanilla bean ice cream on top. PERFECT peach cobbler. I will try using pineapple ring and more brown sugar next time to try pineapple upside down cake.



Selina's Corner of the World said...

Awesome! I'm always searching for gifts in a jar recipes to make for our neighbors at Christmas and this would be perfect!! Thanks!!

Brittany Neal said...

Somebody posted this on pinterest and said it's 0 points plus for weightwatchers. That doesn't make sense to me. Would you happen to know if that's true?

Unknown said...

Not reasonable to expect it to be 0 but it also depends on who's mix you purchase. There have been several who have figured it out and posted it and the numbers as I recall varied from 1 to 2 points based on mix and additives.

Unknown said...

I also found this on pinterest, and the caption stated 0 points...I doubt that.
I figure depending on the mix you use you're looking at 2-5 P+.

Wanderlust said...

Sure, it's 0 points plus....until you put in the cake mixes. It is a 3 point dessert and sounds like a great thing for three points. I figured it with a regular cake mix AND with a reduced sugar cake mix. Same points plus value, 3.

kemery755 said...

Sorry ladies, I didn't read every single comment on here (mom of 3-who has time for themselves??) But I just wanted to share that for those of you that didn't get enough "chocolatey taste," I experimented with that last night, and was successful. Put in a small squirt of Hershey's chocolate syrup; it works. I also tried it with PB chips, amazing, but don't stir them! They'll all magically end at the bottom. I hope this trick helps at least one of you!

Unknown said...

Thanks for reading and your comments!! I remember what it was like with 3 little ones and appreciate everyone who reads and/or comments more than you know. Love all of the great ideas that have been passed along. diane

WNCMountainGirl said...

ok I just made this using a chocolate fudge cake mix and angel food mix and OMG its great !!! its like chocolate angel food cake !! would be great with a little drizzle of syrup on it or whip cream!!

Unknown said...

Learned about this last year - definitely delicious. I have done with chocolate, white and carrot cake mixes. When I calculated ww points plus then (before the most recent change - not sure there), it was 3 pp per serving. Delicious for those quick 'need' treat days or for kids after school. Thanks for the reminder

Unknown said...

I bought bc white angel food mix and bc chocolate fudge mix and I calculated it to be 164 cal per serving and that's without a topping. That's not that low cal. How did people figure 100 calories? What mixes?

Carrie said...

Tried this tonight. Yum! And then I read a lot of the comments and found some good ideas for modification. I used the angelfood cake and sugar free chocolate fudge cake mix. Couldn't even tell it was partially sugar free. So good. Yes, spongy, but I expected that with the angelfood cake! I put a little bit of almond butter on top since that is all I had to resemble frosting...wish I had some fat free chocolate sauce or something! I like the idea of just 1T of water, and oh, 1T of coffee...yum! :) It totally satisfied my sweet tooth.

Random Thoughts said...

For someone who said it was too spongy..use as little water as possible to mix. Adding 1 T of choc chips is good and topping with light cool whip-Yum.

Unknown said...

Ok...needed a quick snack for a business meeting this morning. Angel food cake in a jar! So I used 1 BOX Angelfood Cake Mix, 1 BOX Pound Cake Mix, 4 packages of Swiss Miss Dark Chocolate Sensation Cocoa Mix & a small handful of chocolate chips. 9 Tablespoons of mix, 6 Tablespoons of water (put this in first so you don't have to mix as much) and the chic chips. Mix lightly. 1 minute on high in the microwave! Delish! AND they can make them all by themselves! Fun!

Linda Komondy said...

What a great and easy recipe! I can already see pretty jars of this being given for Christmas presents! I'm going to try the angel food with a pineapple cake mix and maybe some pineapple syrup on the top. Thanks so much for sharing!

Unknown said...

just did a rough calculation. The recipe is more or less 130 calories per serving. I used No name brand Angel Food mix and Duncan Hines Devil's Food

PeaceofYarn said...

I originally saw this in Countryside Mag. She called it 3-2-1 cake. I mixed spice cake with AF. My FAV is 3T mix, 1T Pumpkin Butter & 1T water. Mix lightly. Yum!

Angediada said...

Love the idea. I chose strawberry cake mix. However, I used 6 tbls of dry mix, 4 oz of strawberry apple sauce and microwaved for 90 seconds. Let cool some. Top off with cool whip. Yum!

Unknown said...

ok, so I added crumbled oreo cookie into the's so good!

Unknown said...

If you Love this with crumbled Oreo cookie you "Have to Try" my recipe for OREO COOKIE CHEESECAKE CUPCAKES.
IT IS KILLER and it is really easy and freezes well too. Diane

Anonymous said...

I used BC Devil's Food and DH Angel Food cake mixes. I also noticed that it was not very chocolatey - one reason could be that BC has made their boxes of cake mixes smaller over the past few years while I think the DH mixes have remained the same. (I should have bought the same brand but I stock up on BC mixes when they go on sale, and DH was the only brand of Angel Food I could find.) To make up for the size difference, I added a few tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder to my big container of mix. Also, for people having trouble finding Angel Food cake mix - try looking in the kosher section or aisle in your grocery store. Some smaller grocery stores also have it in their "international" section.

Unknown said...

I thought it would have tasted more chocolately .. kinda dissapointed.

Unknown said...

Sorry it was not as you expected. The addition of the 50% angel food dilutes it a bit. Many readers have commented that they add chocolate chips, frosting, chocolate syrup and other things. If you scroll back into the comments you will see what I mean. Hope this helps and thanks. Diane

Sweet & Sassy Sewing said...

I just found this on Pinterest. I love lemon cake and have been looking for a low fat, low calorie alternative. I can't wait to try it. Thank you so much for posting!!!

Lizabeth said...

Aunt Betty is a genius! I love light chocolate and the texture of sponge cake... Used German chocolate mix with the angel cake and it was outstanding! So easy. Thanks!

Unknown said...

thanks for sharing this wonderful idea as my 5yrs old girl always messing up my kitchen with her favourites strawberry and chocolate cakes and this idea comes in handy my kitchen is not messy and my girl can make her own cake everyday even help teach her 3yrs old brother how to make...once again thank you :)

Unknown said...

Love your by and large wonderful comments. Thank you so very much!! Aunt Betty thanks you too. She has given me some new ideas I will be sharing soon! dkc.

sbramlage said...

Just made this with the angel food cake mis and devils food cake mix. Turned out great, and so easy.

Anonymous said...

This was awesome! After reading all the comments, I made it with BC Angel Food and BC Dark Chocolate Brownie mix (family size mix) and it turned out great. Very chocolaty! My son is a soldier in So. Korea and he'll be getting this in his next care package, as will my college daughter. I also plan on using it for gifts at work....Thanks so much for sharing!

Unknown said...

Super idea!! Mixing with Brownie mix does sound luscious! Sending prayers for your son and all of those who serve. Thank you and him for his service.

Joanne Edmonds said...

For anyone concerned about nit picking the calorie count, remember that it isn't always about the calorie count as much as finding a portion controlled way to manage a craving. That said, it was great!

Unknown said...

Been wanting to try this just picked up Red Velvet and Angle Food can not wait to bake me a treat later.

Lydia said...

We mixed up a double batch and put it in a large tupperware container with the directions and a measuring cup. Our daughters took them in for their schools teacher lounges. It's a quick snack that the teachers can fix up on their short breaks and it stores easy! We have heard nothing but rave reviews! Even non coffee drinking teachers suddenly have mugs at school :)

Unknown said...

That a great idea!!! Send gifts to pakistan is providing quality gift delivery services within Pakistan & abroad.

Amy S. said...

Brownie mix did not work. I should have gone with my first thought and only mixed half. 2 mixes wasted. Need to go to store then try again.

Ericka said...

This is good topped with the new coolwhip frostings!

Fabric and Stuff said...

This is Delish! Made it with Angel Food mix and Sugar Free Pillsbury cake mix and it turns out great.

Anonymous said...

I just made this tonight and it is delicious!

I love the idea of having this on hand for those sweet craving days.

Thank you for sharing this!

Erin said...

I too just made this, and thought it was pretty good for a two minute treat! I used red Betty Crocker's red velvet and angel food mix, and weighed out the ingredients in grams and found there are a total of 28 servings per mixed bag. I plugged it into WW's recipe builder and came up with 3 WW Points+ per serving. Hope this helps, and thanks for the guilt free fun!!

Unknown said...

I was so excited to try this tonight. I bought my dark chocolate cake and store brand angel food. I got home, told the man I was going to make it and got to fixing it. I mixed them together, microwaved it and tasted it. It was a little slimy and had an interesting texture, but it wasn't bad at all. I got to looking at the box, and realized I had grabbed my brownie mix instead! I wonder if that had anything to do with the texture. Anyway, it wasn't bad at all. I am sure with a little whipped topping, it would be even better! Once I finish the mix, I will try again with cake! Thanks Aunt Betty for the recipe!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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