Silver Grey Metallic Knit Infinity Scarf Made in Under an Hour. |
Somehow time slips away from me and I find myself way behind again in my sewing for gift giving! There are wedding gifts to be made, another baby gift is on the horizon, and there is a family birthday this weekend. Not to mention Christmas will be here before you know it!
A pretty box, tissue paper, and a silk ribbon are a good start for gift giving. |
I really enjoy making the scarves for gifts and giving them along with a gift card or a little cash! I look for pretty boxes that can be kept and used to package the gift in too.
Instructions for Making a Metallic Knit Infinity or Circle Scarf:
Beautiful fabrics make beautiful one of a kind scarves. |
Metallic Knit lightweight fabric 60" x 14"
matching thread
Press and straighten the fabric. Fold in half longways with the right sides inside facing each other. Note: My fabric wanted to roll a bit and so pressing was most helpful.
Sewing the long seam closed. |
Pin the raw long edge together and machine stitch 3/8" from the raw edge. When sewing lightweight fabrics it is sometimes very helpful to loosen the tension on your sewing machine to prevent puckering. It is also helpful to use a stitch conducive to knit fabrics so the thread will have a bit of give to it.
I love this part when you turn the scarf! |
Turn the scarf right side out. Next pin the raw edge of each end under 3/8" to form a nice finished edge to the scarf ends. Pressing may indeed help here too.
With the folds together forming a tube hand stitch to finish. |
I like to sew this last part by hand as it really gives the scarf that hand made just for you essence! So, join the two folded edged together to form the tube and overcast the edges with a small nearly invisible stitch.
This will be so much nicer when worn! |
And there you have it a beautiful, original, one of a kind, made with love and care Infinity Scarf to give someone you care for in under an hour!
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