

Pickled Peppers

I almost hate to admit how I do this as it is a bit hap hazard.  Usually I have a bunch of peppers and don't really know what to do with them and this method developed from that circumstance.  The men in this family like peppers a lot.  The gals not so much.  I like to use them in cooking but am quite happy using the ones I dry.

One year I had made dill pickles and had a good bit of unused brine left and saved it in a sealed jar in the refrigerator.  At about the same time my husband came in with a gallon or so of peppers and wanted me to "fix" them.

So I washed them, cut the ends off and sliced the big ones, then poked small holes with a skewer in the small ones.  I dumped them and the brine in a large non reactive kettle and set them to boil for 10 minutes.

Then I packed them in clean sterile hot pint jars and sealed them up with Ball and /or Mason lids and bands.  Process in a water bath for 10 minutes or just keep in the refrigerator and use them from there, it will depend on how many you make which you prefer to do.

The brine recipe I use is:

2 1/2 C. water
2 1/2 C. white vinegar
1/4 C. salt

Boil all together until the salt is dissolved.  I double or more this to make as much as I think I will need.  I mix the varieties of peppers and the whole with the slices.  It all works fine for us. 

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