

Thanksgiving Prayer 2011

Holy Father as we come to Your table this Thanksgiving let us do so with renewed gratitude for all You have Blessed us with.  We thank you for  sending Your Blessed Son to die on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. And we ask that the Holy Spirit be loosed that all across this land people will know You.  We acknowledge our sins and that we have fallen far from Your glory but we thank You for the salvation Your Son Jesus has given us through His death on the cross and His Resurrection.

We ask you to soften our hearts and the hearts of all that we may more easily forgive, see the side of others, show patience and compassion and avoid strife.  But not that we abandon your commands and our beliefs but rather that we more kindly but firmly present them in a manner pleasing to you. We ask You to help us go forward in a way pleasing to You.

Father we ask that You be with those who thirst or hunger, those who are ill or have unspoken needs and fears and that You provide for them in Your bounty.  For Father we know You can prosper us, heal us, and ease our pain.  We know it is by Your grace and we thank You.

Holy Father we pray you would protect our country and guide our leaders.  We pray your would heal our country and our earth and show us the best way to proceed to the benefit of all and to Your glory.

And Father we pray for our families.  We thank You for our families and we ask for your guidance and protection that they may strengthen and flourish  in your grace.   We ask You to be with the families of our service men especially.  That you comfort them and Bless them each and everyone.  Bless every soldier where ever he may be and grant him your Holy Blessing, guidance,  and protection.

Holy Father we ask these things in Jesus name, not my will but Thine be done.  A-men

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